
Flogging - Dr Lilian Stanley

Flogging - Dr Lilian Stanley 26Jan23 Do you know what it means to be flogged?  The Jews limited their flogging to 39. But the Romans had no limit. The Romans were more cruel than the Jews.  The Romans used a leather whip that had thongs laced with sharp pieces of iron or bone.  According to ancient writers, sometimes during flogging, the victim's bowels would come out or bones exposed. Why was there a need to flog a man who was to be crucified?  Just to torture him.  God judged Jesus Christ for the sins of the world that came upon Him.  But for that we would be flogged for our sins.  Let us fall prostrate at His feet for taking our flogging on Him. Visit Dr Lilian Stanley Website for all her writing works, blogs, videos at Visit, Like and Subscribe to YouTube channel

Delights of Darkness 7 - Dr Lilian Stanley

 Delights of Darkness 7 - Dr Lilian Stanley You will not be in Darkness forever ( Jn 12:46).  " I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in Me should stay in darkness." Darkness is only for those who do not know Jesus.  If you know Jesus you are in the light. Hallelujah! That concludes our study. Visit Dr Lilian Stanley Website for all her writing works, blogs, videos at Visit, Like and Subscribe to YouTube channel

Delights of Darkness 6 - Dr Lilian Stanley

 Delights of Darkness 6 - Dr Lilian Stanley 21Jan23 If you are walking in the dark with no light, trust in the name of the Lord and rely on God (Isa 50:20).  Job is an apt example.  He could not find God anywhere yet he held on to God tightly with unwavering faith.  Then at last light dawned.  Just hang on to God.  He is a faithful God and will rescue you in due time.  He will never try us beyond our capacity.  Just hold on. Visit Dr Lilian Stanley Website for all her writing works, blogs, videos at Visit, Like and Subscribe to YouTube channel

Delights of Darkness 5 - Dr Lilian Stanley

 Delights of Darkness 5 - Dr Lilian Stanley 21Jan23 If you care for the poor, you will have light in darkness ( Isa 58:10).    When a black cloud descends on you, remember there are people who are living in deeper darkness and try to lift them.  When you do that you will find a light shining in your darkness. Jesus said the poor are always with us.  So look around for someone whom you can help.  Remember poor orphans and widows and those sick and  begging. When you do that the Lord will guide you. You don't have to grope for God's guidance.   He will supply your needs and make you healthy and strong (v 11).   Visit Dr Lilian Stanley Website for all her writing works, blogs, videos at Visit, Like and Subscribe to YouTube channel

Delights of Darkness 4 - Dr Lilian Stanley

  Delights of Darkness 4 - Dr Lilian Stanley 18Jan23 In our dark period God will give us the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that we may know that He is the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons us by name ( Isa 45:3).  To take pearls we must dive to the depths of the ocean.  Similarly certain treasures are available only in darkness.  I have experienced it in my own life.  One more blessing is that we are not one in a crowd for God.  He knows us personally by name and calls us by our name.  This is a special experience of those who go through darkness, like He called Hagar by name ( Gen 16:8).      Visit Dr Lilian Stanley Website for all her writing works, blogs, videos at Visit, Like and Subscribe to YouTube channel

Delights of Darkness 3 - Dr Lilian Stanley

 Delights of Darkness 3 - Dr Lilian Stanley 17Jan23 We can walk through darkness by God's light. We are not paralyzed by darkness.  God gives us His light so we know the way.  We will not get lost.  The feeling of hopelessness is only a       'feeling.' Even in good times Job had times of darkness but God's lamp shone upon His head and he walked through darkness by God's light ( Job 29:3).  If you are upright, gracious, compassionate, and righteous, even in darkness light will dawn for you ( Psa 112:4).  Is your past failure haunting you?  Quit worrying and rise up.  Though you sit in darkness, the Lord will be your light (Mi 7:8).  See also Psalm 139:11 and John 1:5.  This is the third blessing of darkness that we don't get lost.  We have God's light and guidance. Visit Dr Lilian Stanley Website for all her writing works, blogs, videos at Visit, Like and Subscribe to YouTube chann...

Delights of Darkness 2 - Dr Lilian Stanley

Delights of Darkness 2 - Dr Lilian Stanley 15Jan23 The second encouraging aspect of going through deep darkness in life is that God speaks in darkness ( Dt 5:22).  What we did not understand while walking in light, we will understand while we wear our heart out.  The answers to the "Why?" will emerge gradually and clearly.  Be patient.  Do not accuse God.  Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing (Job 1:22). In the end of Job's sufferings God told Eliphaz, " You have not spoken of Me what is right, as My servant Job has," (42:7). So we know whatever Job spoke of God was right.  So try to listen to the voice of God and understand His ways rather than charging God. Your time of praising is just round the corner. Visit Dr Lilian Stanley Website for all her writing works, blogs, videos at Visit, Like and Subscribe to YouTube channel

Delights of Darkness 1 - Dr Lilian Stanley

 Delights of Darkness 1 - Dr Lilian Stanley 14Jan23      We all have our times of darkness.  Jesus went through a time of darkness (Lk 22:53). When darkness falls on you, remembering a few things will uplift you. *  God is in darkness (Exo 20:21; 1 Ki 8:12).  So when life is a confusion and you go blank, when you can't see a good future when all is black, you are literally transported to God's very presence.  When you are in darkness, you are in the presence of God, in His dwelling place, in His house, literally living with Him.  Can there be a greater blessing?  So, walk through your darkness smiling, laughing, praising, singing.  🌹 Visit Dr Lilian Stanley Website for all her writing works, blogs, videos at Visit, Like and Subscribe to YouTube channel

Daybreak Events (tamil) - Dr.Lilian Stanley

  Visit Dr Lilian Stanley Website at Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.

Day Break Events - Dr. Lilian Stanley

  Visit Dr Lilian Stanley Website at Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.