
Showing posts from February, 2022

All Glory to God - Dr. Lilian Stanley

  Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.

Why we should pray (tamil) Dr. Lilian Stanley

Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.  

Dr. Lilian Stanley - Vengeance

Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.  

My Drink - Dr. Lilian Stanley

  Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.

Haste is Waste - Dr. Lilian Stanley

  Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.

I would follow Jesus - Dr. Lilian Stanley

Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.  

Sleep or Supplication (Tamil) - Dr. Lilian Stanley

  Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.

Sword? No No - Dr. Lilian Stanley

  Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.

Why Sword? Dr.Lilian Stanley

  Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.

How to Handle Injustice - Dr.Lilian Stanley

  Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.

The Last Shall Be First - Dr.Lilian Stanley

The Last Shall Be First      Jacob was afraid that Esau might slaughter him and his family.  So he put the maid servants and their children first, Leah and her children next and last of all Rachel and Joseph.  He wanted time to save Rachel and Joseph in case of an attack.  But God turned everything upside down.  When they met Esau, it was the maid servants who met him first ( Gen 33:1-7).      Are you despised and treated as trash.  Take heart.  " Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted" (Mt 5:4). Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.

Pot and Pan (tamil) - Dr.Lilian Stanley

Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.  

What Is Your Idol? - Dr.Lilian Stanley

What Is Your Idol?    God spoke to Laban in a dream, yet he wanted his idols ( Gen 31:24, 30).  God answered Rachel's prayer for a son, yet she wanted the idols too (30:22; 31:34).  Some people are like that.  Even though they experience the touch of God in their lives, they are reluctant to give up their idols.        Please throw away your idol and dedicate yourself totally to God who has revealed Himself to you on various occasions. Then you will not be like Laban or Rachel, but be blessed like Jacob. Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.

God Sees - Dr.Lilian Stanley

God Sees      "I have seen all that Laban has been doing to you," said God to Jacob, and He compensated for all that Jacob suffered ( Gen 31:12).  Harassment in Paddam Aram _ Death threat in Canaan.  Ultimately Jacob experienced peace on both sides.  He came with his staff but returned with two bands (32:10).      When you face harassment and threats, remember 2 Chronicles 16:9: " The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole Earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart  is fully committed to Him." (See also Job 36:7; Psa 34:15; Prov 15:3).      God is watching over you.  Take heart. Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.

Deception - Dr.Lilian Stanley

Deception Genesis 27:12-23 Isaac was deceived even though he had ample warning _ 1.  The meat came too early 2.  Touch 3.  Voice 4. Smell (kiss).      The man who could easily smell his son's clothes, could not identify the feel and smell of his son's face.  It was not the smell of his son ( v 27), but the smell of his son's clothes.  "Isaac trembled violently.". Now the deception dawned on him _ the timing, the touch, the voice, the kiss!  He realized how he hesitated but was taken for a ride.  He wished he waited a " little" longer to make sure.  But his hunger and taste for food made him hurry.  How often we fall for deception because " we want it "!        Wait.  Don't be in a hurry.  Make sure.  He could have felt his fingers, face, legs.  He could have told Jacob about his voice.  We may have to tremble violently.   " Indeed he will be blessed." He had made an ir...

Permanent - Dr. Lilian Stanley

Permanent       There are three that are permanent in this world. 1.  God 2.  God's Word 3.  Souls      So take your mind off things that are not permanent and set it on what is permanent. Worship God and enjoy His presence. Spend time with his Word and listen to what God says. Take care of your soul and the souls you come in contact with. The night comes when no one can work.  The harvest is ripe.  Sow in tears and reap with joy.  Don't lose your eternal rewards. Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.

Prayer for Mobile (Tamil) - Dr.Lilian Stanley

  Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.

Hard Work - Dr.Lilian Stanley

Hard Work         Abraham's servant put forth a difficult test.  He wanted a girl who would water 10 camels for his wealthy master's son.  Why?  Such girls will be healthy and good for the family.  Rebekah watered the camels "till they finished drinking"! You know how camels drink, especially after a long journey.  Blessed was she! ( Gen 24:12-22).      The way to come up in life is hard work.  So, work hard, harder, hardest.  Train your children to work hard from childhood.  God honors hard workers.   Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.

Shadow Of Christ - Dr.Lilian Stanley

 Shadow Of Christ     Isaac is the shadow of Christ.  He was the only beloved son.  Jesus was the only beloved Son.  Isaac was the son of promise.  Jesus was the Son of promise. Isaac carried his firewood.  Jesus carried His cross. Isaac climbed Mount Moriah.  Jesus climbed Golgatha.  Isaac willingly gave himself to be sacrificed.  Jesus willingly offered Himself as a sacrifice.  Isaac was lost for three days for Abraham.  Jesus was lost in the tomb for three days to Father God.  Isaac came back alive.  Jesus rose again.  Isaac was the shadow, Jesus was substance.      No wonder Abraham saw the days of Jesus and was glad (John 8:56). Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.

Maranatha! - Dr.Lilian Stanley

 Maranatha! The Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is like a joke to some, even as it was for the sons-in-law of Lot.  Lot went in the night itself to warm them, yet they took it lightly.  The Lord was merciful to them in spite of their wickedness and gave them a chance to escape destruction.  But they spurned Lot's invitation to leave everything and run for their lives. They perished.      The siren is sounding.  The Lord is coming.  Get ready.  Spare no pains to set things right. Let not the Day take you by surprise. It is sooner than you think! Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.