Love One Another - Lilian Stanley
Love One Another
Love one another means mutual love - you love them and they love you. So our responsibility is two fold.
1. You love them.
2. Be loveable, making it easy for them to love you.
To love is easy, but to be loveable we need to adjust to their moods and character in so many ways. It means to please them and be pleasing to them in every way. It means to swallow hurts and not react. It means a lot of forgiveness but rebuking them truthfully at the right time. It means taking an effort to smile at them lovingly when we are hurt. We have to be doing good whenever they hurt us, to understand them and be kind to them, etc., etc.
This is the Hallmark of a disciple of Christ
Why? Because it is the only way by which we can tell the whole world that we are disciples of Christ ( Jn 13:34,35).
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Well said Akka.