Prayer for my Mobile - Dr Lilian Stanley

 Prayer for my mobile

Dear Lord who speaks and hears,
I have spent a good amount of your money to buy my mobile and so I want it to be used for Your glory alone.  Help me to keep it safe and keep me from the temptation to go for a new one when the old one is practically useful.  
Help me to talk to people of your choice.  Keep me from the temptation to speak to the wrong people with wrong motives.  Let my mobile transmit only clean language and never dirty lustful talk.  
Whatever small message I send through my mobile must be open and clean.  Keep me from the temptation to send sinful messages and erase them quickly.  Any message I receive must be clean too and help me to respond to wrong messages appropriately. Give me the wisdom Lord to handle all types of  messages. 
Help me to not wander into corrupt areas.  Let me not waste precious time with the mobile by trying to see all forwarded messages or be in groups that squander my time.
Help me not to take the mobile when I am praying or talking to someone in person.
In Jesus name I pray.  Amen.

Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.


  1. super akka....all you mentioned as prayer request are the warning to us....while handling our mobile phones.. Lord give us knowledge to handle our mobile phone with God fearing...Amen

  2. Thank you, akka. Am personally blessed by this.


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