
Showing posts from January, 2022

Choice Of Life Partner - Dr.Lilian Stanley

 Choice Of Life Partner       Lot looked for grooms for his daughters in Sodom and Gomorrah though he knew they were wicked.  May be it was their daughters' choice.  But Abraham was very particular to choose from his own people. He was patient, spent money, trusted God to guide him and spared no pains to do God's will.  What prevented  the righteous Lot from doing the same? Compare the future of Isaac and Lot's daughters.      You are going to spend more than half your life with the person of your choice.  So patiently, prayerfully, wisely choose.  Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.

Win souls - Dr.Lilian Stanley

 Win souls     If Lot had led his family and another six to the Lord, Sodom and Gomorrah would have been spared ( Gen 18:32).  In contrast, all people, including foreigners were circumcised along with Abraham!  Let us not be slack.  Save yourself and your city by saving souls.  Have a good Tract for anyone who comes to your house - courier boys, postman, vendors, autowalas...Visit your neighbor.  Gather neighborhood children and teach them.  How much the righteous Lot suffered because of his slackness to win souls!      Shed shyness and start today! Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.

100% Christian - Dr. Lilian Stanley

100% Christian      Jesus told the young man he lacked one thing.  Jesus wanted him to sell "everything" (Mt 19, Mk 10).  He was 99% committed.  But Jesus wanted 100%.  He demanded the 1% too.  In Matthew 13:44 a man went and sold "all" to buy the land with hidden treasure.  The Pearl merchant sold "everything" he had and bought the precious pearl.        " In the same way, any of you who does not give up 'everything' he has cannot be My disciple" (Lk 14:33).   Are you 10% or 50% or 99% or 100% Christian? Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.

Through the Kidron Valley (Tamil) - Dr.Lilian Stanley

Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.  

Obedience - Dr. Lilian Stanley

Obedience     At the age of 99, God wanted Abraham to be circumcised ( Gen 17:10).  Will anyone today agree to this surgery at this age?  Think of it those days, done with Flint knife without even local anaesthesia!  Yet Abraham obeyed the very same day! ( v 23).  It teaches us immediate, implicit obedience to God, however painful it may be. Then you will be blessed like Abraham. Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.

Friend or Foe? - Dr. Lilian Stanley

  Friend or Foe?     Jesus called His disciples as friends (Jn 15:15).  They called Him Rabbi.  When Judas came to betray Him, Jesus called him friend and he called Jesus Rabbi (Mt 26:50).  Judas was still His friend and Jesus was still His Rabbi.  Then what changed?  As far as Jesus was concerned nothing had changed.  But Judas had become a hypocrite.      Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever!  Be a faithful unchanging friend.      " Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses" (Prov 27:6). Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.

New Name - Dr. Lilian Stanley

New Name      Judas earned a new name - "Judas who betrayed Him" (Mt 10:4;26:25;28:3;Jn 18:3,5).  Simon (reed) became Peter (rock).  James and John became Sons of Thunder.  If God were to give me a new name, what will it be? Angry Bird?, Lovely?, Gossip?, Shanthi?... Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.

Open My Eyes Lord! - Dr.Lilian Stanley

 Open My Eyes Lord!      God opened the eyes of Hagar ( Gen 21:19), Balaam ( Num 22:31), soldiers and Elisha's servant (2 Ki 6:17,20), disciples to Emmaus (Lk 24:31).      The eyes of these people were open but they needed a touch of the Lord to see what they could not perceive.  Let us also pray like David that God may open our eyes to see the wonderful things in the Bible (Psa 119:18), that the eyes of our understanding may be opened (Eph 1:18), that we may look at the fields ripe for harvest (Jn 4:35). Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.

Mount Of Olives - Dr. Lilian Stanley

Mount Of Olives      Jesus "often" spent time with His disciples in the Mount of Olives (Jn 18:2).  He taught His disciples whatever He heard from the Father.  That was the secret of the strength of His disciples to carry on His ministry after His departure.      If we are in ministry, we must teach whatever we have learned at least to a small group of people who are close to us.  That way, our ministry will continue after us.  Where is your Mount of Olives? Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.

More Worship! - Dr. Lilian Stanley

 More Worship!      In Matthew 26:6-13, we meet a woman coming with an alabaster box.  She came just to worship Jesus without any prayer requests and got more than what she could have prayed for.  Let us have this attitude when we kneel down.        Every day keep a Psalm open and worship.  Start with Psalm one.  It will revolutionize your time on knees. Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.

Suffering? Who Wants? - Dr. Lilian Stanley

  Suffering?  Who Wants?      I used to pray, "Lord, I don't want to suffer and die.  Please take me in my sleep." Jesus would answer, " Do you know how much I suffered and died on a cruel cross?  But you want to die comfortably on a mattress and pillow." So now I pray, "Lord, let me die the death you have planned for me.  Only give me the strength and grace to go through it."       "To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in His footsteps" (1 Peter 2:21). Have a mind to suffer. Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.

I must Decrease - Dr. Lilian Stanley

I must Decrease      If I do not decrease, God's kingdom will not increase.  The more I decrease, the more will God's kingdom increase. #. Do I pray less for myself and more for others? #. Do I spend less for myself and more for others? #. Do I work less for myself and more for others?      Lord, help me to decrease myself so that You will increase! Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.

Strengthen Those In Trial - Dr.Lilian Stanley

Strengthen Those In Trial      When Jesus was agonizing in the Garden of Gethsemane, God sent an angel from heaven to strengthen Him (Lk 22:43).  After that also Jesus was in agony.  Any of the disciples could have done what the angel did, but they slept.  So God had to send an angel.        Let us not take light the trials of fellow believers.  Let us do something to strengthen them. Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.

Interpersonal skills! - Dr. Lilian Stanley

Interpersonal skills! Have problem with anyone?  Take a minute to imagine how you would like them to treat you.  Then treat them likewise.  This magical principle was taught in the whole world by only one person - Jesus Christ.  But the world is so reluctant to practice it.  Try.  Every day you will experience miracles.  Your enemies will become your friends! Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.

A Vision - Dr Lilian Stanley

A Vision      I used to pray, " Lord, I want to see You", but quickly conclude, " It's ok Lord, anyway I am coming to you soon."      It happened in November 2021.  As I was going out in the rain, I saw an emaciated lady staggering with an umbrella which was only half.  The other half had collapsed.  I saw only her back.  " So sad, shall I give her my umbrella?  Oh no, it is my Dubai umbrella," I thought.  By now we had overtaken her.  I asked the driver to stop and sent the umbrella.  He came back saying she was not found anywhere!  This is happening to me for the fifth time in my 63 years of walk with my Lord.        That night in my deep sleep, " I will be satisfied with seeing Your likeness," was running in my soul  (Psa 17:15). Morning when I woke up I knew it was a vision.        The point is: How narrowly I missed a vision of the Lord for my Dubai umbr...

Are You Wheat? - Dr Lilian Stanley

Are You Wheat?      Wheat was threshed by two oxen yoked together and tied to a threshing machine which they dragged over the grain until the kernels separated from the stocks.  Then it was tossed into air to separate chaff. The grain was then sifted to remove impurities.  Then it was ground, kneaded and put in fire before it could feed someone.  " Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed.  But if it dies, it produces many seeds ( Jn 12:24).        Satan did not realize he was actually purifying Peter and moulding him into a pillar of the church, preparing him to strengthen others (Lk 22:31-34).  If you are going through this process, take heart!  Jesus is praying for you.  You will soon be strengthening others and producing many seeds. Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.

Love One Another - Lilian Stanley

Love One Another      Love one another means mutual love - you love them and they love you.  So our responsibility is two fold.   1.  You love them.  2.  Be loveable, making it easy for them to love you.   To love is easy, but to be loveable we need to adjust to their moods and character in so many ways.  It means to please them and be pleasing to them in every way.  It means to swallow hurts and not react.  It means a lot of forgiveness but rebuking them truthfully at the right time.  It means taking an effort to smile at them lovingly when we are hurt.  We have to be doing good whenever they hurt us, to understand them and be kind to them, etc., etc.        This is the Hallmark of a disciple of Christ   Why?  Because it is the only way by which we can tell the whole world that we are disciples of Christ ( Jn 13:34,35). Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play ...

Stop Sin In Its Track - Dr Lilian Stanley

Stop Sin In Its Track There are three steps to sin- 1.  Temptation - Jn 13:2 - The devil had prompted Judas Iscariot to betray Jesus. Each one is tempted when, by his own evil desires, he is dragged away and enticed (Js 1:14) - Prompting 2.  Sin - Lk 22:3 - Then Satan entered Judas. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin (Js 1:15 ) - Entering 3.  Death - Mt 27:5 - Judas hanged himself. Sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death ( Js 1:15) - Death There is no sin that God cannot forgive except unbelief.  Don't let your sin lead to death.  You can stop it anywhere in its track.  Stop it today! Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.

Lord, is it I?" - Dr Lilian Stanley

Lord, is it I?" Jesus told His disciples that one of them would betray Him.  Even though none of the eleven disciples had any intention of betraying Jesus, they asked Him sadly, " Lord, is it I?" They realized the ease with which a godly man could fall and were worried if they would be tempted to betray Him.   Any sin the Bible points to must be confronted with the question, "Is it I?" Then we are safe.  The words of the Bible should make us sad where it should and make us joyful where it should.  We must be emotionally involved with the word of God. Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.

Nearer my God to Thee... - Dr Lilian Stanley

Nearer my God to Thee... John loved Jesus so much that he always wanted to be at His side.  In the last supper too he quickly reserved his seat next to Jesus.  Oh, may we be so.  Even though no disciple dared to get near the cross, including Peter who promised never to leave Him, John boldly stood near the cross.  Keep close to Jesus,leaning on Him ( Jn 21:20,24).        Not only that John loved Jesus, but he was a "disciple whom Jesus loved." The more we love Him, the more He loves us.  The closer we get to Him, the closer He gets to us.  Jesus loved all His disciples ( Jn 13:1), but the degree varied. May we not be one among the crowd that surrounded Him, or one among the seventy or one among the twelve or one among the three, but the one leaning on His bosom ( Jn 13:23). May we be named as the "disciple whom Jesus loves." Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.

Why Pray? - Dr Lilian Stanley

Why Pray?  Jesus prayed three times (Gethsemane).  Paul prayed three times! (Thorn).  But God did what He wanted to do in spite of their prayer.  Then why pray? Luke 11:9-13 Ask, seek, knock. You ask for bread, fish and egg.  What does everyone who ask receive?  The Holy Spirit to those who ask Him (v 13).  He does not want you to have a scorpion or snake or stone.  So He gives according to His will and along with Him the presence and comfort of the Holy Spirit to accept His will. So pray and go along facing what God has in store for you. A blessing in disguise! Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.

Sleep or Supplication? - Dr.Lilian Stanley

Sleep or Supplication? In the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus asked his disciples to keep awake and pray.  But they slept because of sorrow.  But Jesus prayed because of sorrow. So what?  See the difference it made.   1.  Jesus boldly faced the enemy but the disciples ran away.   2.  Jesus called Judas His friend but Peter cut of Malchus' ear.   3.  Jesus gave wise and truthful answers.  But Peter lied and betrayed.   4.  Jesus endured pain but the disciples were afraid of pain.   5.  Jesus forgave but Peter cursed.   6.  Jesus did the will of God but the disciples were driven by their fear and emotions.   7.  Prayer gave Jesus confidence but prayerlessness undermined the disciples' confidence.   So pray, pray, pray.  There is no other way. Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.

Through The Kidron Valley - Dr Lilian Stanley

  Through The Kidron Valley      The Kidron valley was the dump - yard for Jerusalem in its outskirts where ashes, dead bodies and broken idols were thrown (1 Ki 2:37; 1 Ki 15:13; 2 Ki 23:4,6,12; 2 Chronicles 29:16; 30:14; Jer 31:40).  David and Jesus walked through the valley with a heavy heart (2 Sam 15:23; Jn 18:1).  Both had enemies (Absalom, Judas).  Both were gheraoed by a gang (Absalom's people and Jews).  Both went through the valley singing (Psa 3, Mk 14:26).  Both had supporters (Faithful subjects and Disciples).  Both came back to Jerusalem victorious as kings, David after the war and Jesus after His resurrection.  Both forgave their enemies.         Let us go through our Kidron singing.  God has provided a brook for us there (2 Sam 15:23). Let us follow their example.  God will turn our mourning into dancing. Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store usin...

Prayer for my Mobile - Dr Lilian Stanley

  Prayer for my mobile Dear Lord who speaks and hears, I have spent a good amount of your money to buy my mobile and so I want it to be used for Your glory alone.  Help me to keep it safe and keep me from the temptation to go for a new one when the old one is practically useful.    Help me to talk to people of your choice.  Keep me from the temptation to speak to the wrong people with wrong motives.  Let my mobile transmit only clean language and never dirty lustful talk.    Whatever small message I send through my mobile must be open and clean.  Keep me from the temptation to send sinful messages and erase them quickly.  Any message I receive must be clean too and help me to respond to wrong messages appropriately. Give me the wisdom Lord to handle all types of  messages.   Help me to not wander into corrupt areas.  Let me not waste precious time with the mobile by trying to see all forwarded messages or be in groups that...

Pot and Pan - Dr Lilian Stanley

  Pot and Pan It was pouring cats and dogs in November.  Is there someone out there who needs my help? I thought and left with the driver, daughter and granddaughter.  We found a woman lying on wet floor with a soaked blanket.  We took her in, bought a nightie, helped her change to dry clothes.  We found a dry place in the bus-stand and spread a blanket that we had taken, made her lie down and covered her with another. Gave her dinner and 500 rs. We helped another six people and returned home very happy.  I thought, "Can I afford to give away so much money?" The next morning a friend sent me 10000 to be spent for my ministry!  God is no man's debtor. Elijah was sent to a widow. She had to empty her pot and pan before a miracle could happen.  Let us decrease that He may increase. Please download the Daily Decoration app from google play store using the below link.